Gallery performace

Exersam saritura in apa cu mega fun
Perfectionam inotul pe spatele
Yuhuuu! sarim in apa
Picioare, picioare, picioare
Exersam tehnica la fluture
Crawl adulti
Ne simtim bine in apa
Perfectionam tehnica de inot
Invatam miscarea corecta
O tehnica de spate foarte buna
Concurs pana la culoar si inapoi
Proud of you Alex
Antrenament alaturi de un campion
Children are happy because of the gifts they deserve
Copii sunt fericiti datorita cadourilor meritate
A dream group of adults
O grupa de adulti de vis
Swim Factory's participation at Swimathon 2018 was unforgettable
Participarea echipei Swim Factory la Swimathon 2018, a fost de neuitat
Outdoor pool, sun and cheerful children
Piscina in aer liber, soare si copii veseli
Premiere of the Swim Factory team by the Entrepreneurial Bucharest, with Andreea Esca and Dragos Bucurenci
Premiere echipa Swim Factory de catre Bucurestiul Intreprinzator
Relaxation and a session in the water
Relaxare si o sedinta in apa
Swim Factory with Dragos Bucurenci at Bucharest Business
Swim Factory alaturi de Dragos Bucurenci si Bucurestiul Intreprinzator